Official Novena Prayer to Blessed Carlo Acutis

Official Novena Prayer to Blessed Carlo Acutis 


Opening Prayer 

Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I thank you for all the grace and favours with which you enriched the soul of Blessed Carlo Acutis during his 15 years on this earth. Through the merits of this Angel of Youth, grant me the grace which I earnestly seek (Ask the grace which you seek).

First Day Meditation
"Not me, but God."

Blessed Carlo Acutis, you who made your life a continual renunciation and setting aside of unimportant things, give me the grace to seek heavenly things and despise that which is transient. Amen.

Pray 5 'Our Fathers,' 5 'Hail Marys,' and 5 'Glory Be to the Father's to give thanks to God for the grace granted to Carlo in the 15 years of his earthly life.

Second Day Meditation
"Always to be united with Jesus, that is my life's programme."

Blessed Carlo Acutis, you who have lived in the heart of Jesus, give me the grace to apply Jesus' plan of love to everything. Amen.

Pray 5 'Our Fathers,' 5 'Hail Marys,' and 5 'Glory Be to the Father's to give thanks to God for the grace granted to Carlo in the 15 years of his earthly life.

Third Day Meditation
"Continuously ask your Guardian Angel for help. Your Guardian Angel has to become your best friend."

Blessed Carlo Acutis, you who saw the company of Angels while you were already in this world, give me the grace to live righteously, as my Guardian Angel desires. Amen.

Pray 5 'Our Fathers,' 5 'Hail Marys,' and 5 'Glory Be to the Father's to give thanks to God for the grace granted to Carlo in the 15 years of his earthly life.

Fourth Day Meditation
"Our soul is like a hot-air balloon...If by chance there is a mortal sin, the soul falls to the ground. Confession is like the fire underneath the balloon enabling the soul to rise again...It is important to go to confession often."

Blessed Carlo Acutis, you who have lived this sacrament of reconciliation so well, give me the grace constantly to seek confession and the grace of a deep contrition. Amen.

Fifth Day Meditation
"Sadness is looking at ourselves, happiness is looking towards God."

Blessed Carlo Acutis, you who have never looked away from your great love, Jesus, give me the grace also to live with this happiness in this world. Amen.

Pray 5 'Our Fathers,' 5 'Hail Marys,' and 5 'Glory Be to the Father's to give thanks to God for the grace granted to Carlo in the 15 years of his earthly life.

Sixth Day Meditation
"The only thing we have to ask God for, in prayer, is the desire to be holy."

Blessed Carlo Acutis, you who have always asked God for what essential, give me grace of a deep desire for Heaven. Amen.

Pray 5 'Our Fathers,' 5 'Hail Marys,' and 5 'Glory Be to the Father's to give thanks to God for the grace granted to Carlo in the 15 years of his earthly life.

Seventh Day Meditation
"The Virgin Mary is the only woman in my life."

Blessed Carlo Acutis, you who loved the the Virgin Mary above all women, give me the grace to respond to her kind and good love. Amen.

Pray 5 'Our Fathers,' 5 'Hail Marys,' and 5 'Glory Be to the Father's to give thanks to God for the grace granted to Carlo in the 15 years of his earthly life.

Eight Day Meditation
"The Eucharist is my highway to Heaven."

Blessed Carlo Acutis, you who have always looked for your hidden Jesus in the Tabernacle, give me the grace of a deep fervor for the Eucharist. Amen.

Pray 5 'Our Fathers,' 5 'Hail Marys,' and 5 'Glory Be to the Father's to give thanks to God for the grace granted to Carlo in the 15 years of his earthly life.

Ninth Day Meditation
"I am happy to die because I have lived my life without wasting a minute on those things which do not please God."

Blessed Carlo Acutis, give me that grace of graces- perseverance to the end and a saintly death. Amen.

Pray 5 'Our Fathers,' 5 'Hail Marys,' and 5 'Glory Be to the Father's to give thanks to God for the grace granted to Carlo in the 15 years of his earthly life.

Final Prayer

Almighty God, Father of Mercy, raise your Servant Carlo Acutis to the glory of the altars, so that through him you will be even more glorified. Give us the honour of calling him 'Blessed,' for he lived Your Will in all things. And through his merit, give me the grace that I so ardently desire. Amen.